[嬰兒科] 護理指導衛教園地
[嬰兒科] 護理指導
- 新生兒腳內、外翻按摩之護理指導 (4846)
- Nursing care of preventing umbilical infection in newborn babies預防臍帶感染護理指導 (4017)
- 新生兒生理性體重下降護理指導 (3646)
- 嬰兒腸絞痛之護理指導 (2787)
- 新生兒腹部按摩之護理指導 (2728)
- 杯餵、滴管、空針餵食之護理指導 (2636)
- Diaper rash and how to care尿布疹之護理指導 (1663)
- 新生兒眼睛分泌物之護理指導 (1494)
- 新生兒黃疸護理指導 (1484)
- 新生兒產瘤及頭血腫之護理指導 (1418)
- 預防臍帶感染之護理指導 (1324)
- Nursing care of regurgitation and vomiting in newborn babies之溢奶、吐奶護理指導 (1182)
- 嬰兒主導式瓶餵之護理指導 (1181)
- 新生兒包皮環切術後之護理指導 (1117)
- 鵝口瘡之護理指導 (1089)
- What is varus, valgus foot deformity腳內外翻按摩之護理指導 (1021)
- 溢奶、吐奶之護理指導 (1016)
- 如何為嬰兒(早產兒)按摩護理指導 (975)
- Nursing Guide for Neonatal Jaundice新生兒黃疸之護理指導 (937)
- 早產兒出院之護理指導 (937)
- 新生兒鎖骨骨折之護理指導 (849)
- 尿布疹之護理指導 (797)
- 陰囊水腫之護理指導 (761)
- 使用哺乳輔助器餵食之護理指導 (680)
- Nursing Care about The Physiological Weight Loss生理性體重下降 (620)
- Oral Thrush And How To Care鵝口瘡之護理指導 (570)
- Primer on Abdominal Pain, Vomiting andDiarrhea腹痛、嘔吐和腹瀉的護理指導 (542)
- How To Care for Infant Colic腸絞痛之護理指導 (536)
- Home care advice for pre-matures And How To Care早產兒出院護理指導 (484)
- Hydrocele with Nursing Care Guidance陰囊水腫之護理指導 (482)
- Care after circumcision新生兒包皮環切術後之護理指導 (475)
- Nursing care of eye discharge in newborn babies新生兒眼睛分泌物之護理指導 (470)
- 兔唇、顎裂之護理指導 (461)
- 安 撫 哭 鬧 寶 寶 之 護 理 指 導 (455)
- The children who were born to mothers who are tested positive for HBeAg母親為e抗原陽性新生兒之護理指導 (435)
- 如何正確使用嬰幼兒安全座椅 (404)
- 預防新生兒跌倒之護理指導 (363)
- 心雜音之護理指導 (356)
- 母親為e抗原陽性新生兒之護理指導 (340)
- 嬰兒配方奶調配之護理指導 (180)